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5 Healthy Dishes Increasing Your Memory Potential


It is no news that what you eat can have a significant impact on your health and performance. 

Consuming an excessive amount of saturated fat and sugar can have adverse effects on your memory. If you track your diet, you would be surprised at the amount of sugar that is being digested daily. 

The resultant elevated blood sugar level may lead to the impaired hippocampus, which is responsible for the brain retrieving information. While glucose is necessary for this process, too much of it will disrupt the functionality of the hippocampus. 

A 2016 study on Body Mass Index and Memory concluded that the participants with higher BMI demonstrated reduced memory capacity. If you are struggling to remember something that you are sure you’ve studied, your dietary habits might be responsible for that. 

We have prepared a list of dishes that will help boost your memory!

Porridge with Fruits for Breakfast

Porridge with Fruits for Breakfast 

Consuming flavonoid-rich fruits as part of your diet can have a positive effect on memory. Citrus fruits, grapes, pomegranates, apples, strawberries, and blueberries are great sources of fruit flavonoids. 

These fruits are observed to affect cognition positively. In the long-term perspective, they have the potential to limit age-dependent deterioration in memory. 

Oatmeal porridge topped with any of these fruits is an excellent and refreshing way to start your morning. You can cook oats in water or milk or add yogurt to it. 

Making compote with the fruits is even better to add flavor to the dish. Gently poach the fruit with a bit of water and honey until they are tender and still holding the shape. Pour the porridge into a bowl, add a spoon of yogurt and fruits. Voila – you have a tasty and nutritious dish ready. 

Chicken and Avocado Salad with Blueberry Balsamic Dressing for Lunch

Foods rich in vitamin B are also proven to have a positive impact on memory. Eggs, spinach, Chicken, bananas, and mackerel can all benefit you.

So if you find yourself yet again stuck with an assignment, go online to get professional help with essay from reliable writers, take a break and cook this amazing dish. 

To make the dressing, mash blueberries with pepper, oil, and vinegar. Add boiled broad beans and chopped garlic. Finally, add chicken, avocado, other vegetables and give it all a good toss. 

Do not hesitate to get creative with other ingredients. 

Lentils with Garlic and Rosemary for Lunch

The aroma of herbs can do wonders for your mood. Researchers conducted a study on 150 healthy people and observed that those who had been in a rosemary-scented room exhibited enhanced memory, 15% higher than those in a non-scented room. 

Preparing lentils will take you hardly 10 minutes. Fry rosemary and garlic in oil to release the fragrance, and add boiled lentils to it. Finish the process, adding some lemon juice. 

You can store it later for dinner, or for the next day; the flavor will still be awesome. 

Grilled Fish with Orange and Watercress for Dinner

The intake of fatty fish is often associated with boosted memory. 

Omega-3 essential fatty acids found in fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, and albacore tuna can help students improve their working memory. 

In a 2012 study conducted by the researcher’s from the University of Pittsburgh on young adults aged between 18 and 25, it was determined that Omega-3 fatty acid ingestion had further increased memory retention. 

It is incredibly easy to grill any of the above-mentioned fish. You can add spices such as coriander, peppercorn, chili, and zest of orange before grilling it. Finish the dish with a salad of oranges and watercress. 

You will get the vitamins from both citrus and fatty acids in one meal. 

Salads and Nuts for SnacksSalads and Nuts for Snacks

The sheer energy a student would need to survive in college demands having occasional snacks. There are plenty of food items that could be eaten raw as snacks or could be prepared as salads or snack bars. Linseed, walnuts, chia seeds are all great choices to get some omega-3. 

You can also make salads with kale, cabbage, broccoli, and Brussel sprouts as these green vegetables offer high quantities of vitamin K. Stir fry a few of these together, and you will have a delicious meal. 

Final Words

All the dishes on our list are easy enough to cook and do not require a lot of time. Students can prepare them beforehand and grab as a meal for the next day. 

Cooking will also be a delightful change from studying, and you will surely enjoy the taste and the process of making these wonderful meals. 

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